
The information on this website is intended to be for reference and general information purposes only. It does not purport to be comprehensive or to provide any investment or other professional advice. Aspac Developments Ltd. does not warrant or represent that such information is complete, accurate or up to date. Further, no warranty regarding non-infringement, security, fitness for purpose or freedom from computer viruses is given in connection with such information and any other websites linked to or accessed via this website. Aspac Developments Ltd. accepts no liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising from any use or access of this website or any such other linked website or any reliance upon any content of this website or any such other linked website.

In a continuous effort to improve the product, the developer reserves the right to make modifications and changes to the information contained herein. Illustration on this website reflects the artist’s interpretation of the project and may be noticeably different than what is depicted. Rendering, specification and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Contents on the website do not imply offering for sale. Such offering can only be made with a disclosure statement. E. & O. E.

If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

Customer Data (Privacy) Policy

Privacy Policy Statement

This policy statement (the “Policy”) sets out the privacy policies and practices for Aspac Developments Ltd., its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively the “Group”), with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.

The Group strives to ensure compliance by our staff with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality. We safeguard information provided by website users (the “Users”). This information is used only for preparing general statistics on the usage of our websites.

We do not collect any personally identifiable information from Users while they browse our sites, and no personal data is collected.

Use of Cookies

We use cookies on our websites in order to improve their performance and enhance our Users’ online experience. Session cookies are used to enable Users to move around the site and to use essential functions on our websites. Google Analytics are used to recognize repeat visitors to our websites in order to enable us to better understand how Users browse to and through our websites, the time they spend and how often they visit our websites, relying on which we can improve our websites. Font size cookies are used to provide proper appearance of characters when Users browse our websites. We will not collect any personal data from Users when the cookies are being used.

The collection of any personal data collected will be subject to our Personal Information Collection Statement. Personal data is stored securely in our system and we will take all practicable steps to ensure that it is not kept longer than is necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose (including any directly related purpose) for while the data is or is to be used. Only trained and authorized staff shall have access to the data, and we do not release personal data to parties outside us except as set out in our Personal Information Collection Statement.

The Group makes every effort to protect the privacy of Users but given the nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee perfect security.

The Group will use third party content and service providers, and offers links to third party websites. These third parties may collect personal data from Users and they adhere to their own privacy policies. Our Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Information Collection Statement do not cover third parties.

Any user who has any questions about our privacy policy or practice can contact us at [email protected].

Personal Information Collection Statement

This Personal Information Collection Statement sets out the purposes for which the information provided by you as a User will be used following collection, what you are agreeing to with respect to our use of such information. As part of our business operations, we hold and use certain personal information pertaining to you in order to provide you with products/services and to understand your needs so that we can serve you better.

This statement may change from time to time, so please check back periodically. Each time you use this website and use its services, you agree to be bound by the statement in force at that time.

Collection of Data

Users may be asked to provide us with personally-identifiable information such as name and email address. This is necessary to provide Users the various services and activities offered on this website. You, as a User, are not obligated to supply any data, but if you do not, certain services and activities will be unavailable.

The IP address of the computer used to visit our website may be recorded.

Purpose and Use of Data

Specifically, we may use personal information for the following purposes:

  • Communicating with Users in respect to matters related to or arising from the use of the services offered on this website and/or by Aspac Developments Ltd.;
  • Managing the provision of goods and/or services from time to time offered by Aspac Developments Ltd. or other service providers to Users and rallying and arranging for the same to be provided;
  • Evaluating the use of the website to help improve the facilities, services and/or products offered by Aspac Developments Ltd.;
  • Compiling aggregate statistics about our Users to analyze site usage;
    Detecting, preventing, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues;
  • Determining User’s eligibility to any products, facilities, services and other privileges, benefits and other advantages offered by the Group; and
  • Considering what may best suit User’s needs.
  • Comparing User’s personal information to keep our contact information up to date.

Transfer of Data

User’s information will not generally be disclosed or transferred to any other party in a form that would identify them except to those parties relevant and reasonably necessary for the purposes stated above.

Sharing of Data

We may use service providers to host and administer the website, process and store data, and fulfill other technology-related functions on our behalf. However, we will only give or permit access to the vendors, suppliers and service providers involved in the website administration and the commerce distribution chain, and only in a limited form needed to perform their duties and provide you with the products and services you order. Our service providers may be located outside of Canada and your information may be subject to disclosure through their courts and law enforcement agencies. We are not responsible for any additional information that you provide directly to these parties.

Access to Data

You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data only if required or permitted by law. Any data access request or data correction request may be made via email at [email protected].


We encourage parents to take an active interest in their children’s use of the Internet. We do not intend to collect information from children who are under 19 years of age. If you are under 19, please do not provide information on our website.

Online Links to Other Website

Through links provided on our website, you can link to third party websites who have agreed to offer goods and services. Any personal information that you provide on the linked pages is provided directly to that third party and is subject to that third party’s privacy policy. Except described above, we are not responsible for the content or privacy and security practices and policies of websites for which we provide links. Links from our site to third parties or to other sites are provided only for your convenience. We encourage you to learn about the privacy, and security practices and policies before providing them with personal information.


We are committed to observing the Canada Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). Aspac Developments Ltd. is proactively addressing the issue to issue regarding unsolicited commercial email (spam). For details, please refer to our Anti-Spam Policy.

All Aspac Developments communications are permission-based. You have to provide consent to us in order to receive any commercial electronic messages of our offers and project updates.


You will be provided with an opt-in choice or selection to communication preferences when you sign up and subscribe to any Aspac affiliated projects and/or services. You should only receive emails from us that you have given consent to receive our commercial electronic messages.


Should you wish to not continue to receive direct marketing material and/or information from us, you may exercise opt-out by following a link in the footer of all emails sent by us, or notifying us by email at [email protected].

Being our valuable patron, we thank you for your continued support and occasionally we will share with you the latest information about Aspac Developments Ltd., our subsidiaries and affiliates which might be of interest to you.

We may update this Policy from time to time and post the revision on this site.

This Policy was last updated on July 17, 2014.

Anti-Spam Policy

What is CASL?

We are committed to ensuring we do not send you unwanted communications and to complying with the Canada Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). As required by CASL, you should not receive any unauthorized commercial email or other electronic messages from us. We may send you communications when you have asked us to or we have an existing relationship.

To find out more about the CASL, please visit the official Government of Canada website at www.fightspam.ca.

What is Spam?

Spam is any kind of unwanted online communication. The most common form of spam is unsolicited commercial email (UCE).

How Do We Protect You?

Aspac Developments Ltd. and our subsidiaries and affiliates are proactively addressing the issue regarding UCE. Here are the measures we have taken to protect your privacy:


Our registration form/page clearly states why we are collecting your email address, how we plan to use it, and a link referring to our Privacy Policy. Registrants will be required to expressly opt-in to receiving electronic communications from us. In addition, our license agreement states that we have committed to using only permission-based email practices. We promise not to sell or rent your email address.


We will automatically be sending an email to all existing and new subscribers confirming their interest in receiving emails from Aspac Developments Ltd. and our subsidiaries and affiliates. If subscribers should change their interests or choose to unsubscribe, we will send a confirmation email.


Every email generated by Aspac Developments Ltd. or our subsidiaries and affiliates contains an unsubscribe link which allows subscribers to opt-out of future email campaigns. It will automatically update our subscriber list to avoid the chance of sending unwanted emails to who have unsubscribed. A link to the Privacy Policy of the website will also be provided. In some cases, we may continue to send you communications if it is to provide you information about certain products or services in which you have contracted with us, or for other purposes permitted by CASL.


Our email footer will contain our corporate identity so that subscribers can accurately identify us as the sender of the email.

Contact Information

All of our emails will provide our corporate contact information in case a subscriber should want to contact us.

What Constitutes Consent?

The recipient of our email has been clearly and fully notified of the collection and use of his/her email address and has consented prior to such collection and use. This is called informed consent.

All Aspac Developments communications are permission-based. Users have to provide consent to us in order to receive commercial electronic messages of our offers and project updates.


You will be provided with an opt-in choice or selection to communication preferences when you sign up and subscribe to any Aspac affiliated projects and/or services. You should only receive emails from us when you have given consent to receive our commercial electronic messages.


For those who have opted-in, should you wish to not continue to receive direct marketing material and/or information from us, you may exercise opt-out by following a link in the footer of all emails sent by us, or notifying us by email at [email protected].

Being our valuable patron, we thank you for your continued support and occasionally we will share with you the latest information about Aspac Developments Ltd., our subsidiaries and affiliates which might be of interest to you.

We may update this Policy from time to time and post the revision on this site.

This Policy was last updated on July 17, 2014.